
  • Opens a SQLite database.


    • dbName: string

      The path of the database. Defaults to :memory:, which opens an in-memory database.

    • options: IDatabaseOptions

      Options when opening the database.

    Returns Database


  • Closes the database. No further operations can be performed afterwards.

    Returns void

  • Execute the given SQL statement(s).


    • sql: string

      The SQL statement(s) that will run.

    Returns void

  • Load an extension from file


    • file: string

      location of the shared library

    • Optionalentrypoint: string

      entrypoint, if left empty a guess is made by sqlite

    Returns undefined

  • Create a prepared statement, to run SQL queries.


    • sql: string

      The SQL query that will run.

    Returns IStatement

  • Wrap the given function so it runs in a transaction. When the (returned) function is invoked, it will start a new transaction. When the function returns, the transaction will be committed. If an exception is thrown, the transaction will be rolled back.

    const ins = db.prepare('INSERT INTO test (txt, int) VALUES(?, ?)');
    const insMany = db.transaction(datas => {
    for (const data of datas) {;

    [ '1234', 1234 ],
    [ '4321', 4321 ],

    Transaction functions can be called from inside other transaction functions. When doing so, the inner transaction becomes a savepoint. If an error is thrown inside of a nested transaction function, the nested transaction function will roll back to the state just before the savepoint. If the error is not caught in the outer transaction function, this will cause the outer transaction function to roll back as well.

    Transactions also come with deferred, immediate, and exclusive versions:

    insertMany(datas); // uses "BEGIN"
    insertMany.deferred(datas); // uses "BEGIN DEFERRED"
    insertMany.immediate(datas); // uses "BEGIN IMMEDIATE"
    insertMany.exclusive(datas); // uses "BEGIN EXCLUSIVE"

    NOTE: This implementation was mostly taken from better-sqlite3.


    • fn: Function

      The function to be wrapped in a transaction.

    Returns ITransaction